Friday 16 December 2011

Beginning editing

Today we put all of our footage onto Adobe Premier. We broke down the individual scenes and put them in the right order, later adding the audio and editing the footage so the lip-syncing matched the lyrics. Here is a screen grab of the footage being put onto the timeline...

Tuesday 13 December 2011

The Album Promoting Poster

Yesterday we attempted our first draft at the poster, we wanted it to stand out and look unique, but also link in with our Digi Pack.

Here is our first draft: 
We realised here that the writing was too plain and boring so wouldn't stand out to people.

So we came up with this:
But we thought the 'Mamma Knows Best' sepia old fashioned paper look clashed with the black and white distorted photo.        

So, we made the picture sepia and it looked a lot better. Finally, here is our finished Album Promoting Poster:

Monday 12 December 2011

Creating our 6 panel Digi Pack

Today we finished our 6 panel Digi Pack. We used the front and back cover what we created and added another 4 photos what we had took and one includes a screen shot from the video. Here it is...

Friday 9 December 2011

Shooting the footage

We went down to our location last night and were able to shoot all of the footage we need. We are going to make a start editing tomorrow using Adobe Premier. This is how it appears...

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Editing the back cover

Because we made the mistake of putting 'R H Y T H M' as the title of the back cover when we had '  M A M M A  K N O W S  B E S T' we have changed the title of the back cover to match the front.

This is the finished back cover...

Monday 5 December 2011

Back of the album cover/ track list

Today we did most of the back of our album/ track list. This is what we produced...

We named the album 'rhythm', but later realised on the front it said 'Mamma Knows Best' because we got confused as to whether we were promoting the video with an album or as a single. So, tomorrow we are going to change the 'R H Y T H M' to 'M A M M A  K N O W S  B E S T'.

Friday 2 December 2011

Making a start on our album cover

Due to complications and delays with our location, we haven't been able to film yet. So, we decided to start work on our digi-pack album cover. For the front cover have gone for a retro, old-fashioned type cover with a bit of an edge to it. This is what we have produced today so far...

For the track list we are using this picture,  fitting in with the jazzy 50's retro style. 

The track list will be on the left, so it looks as though I am looking at the text. 
We need four more pictures for the digi-pack, so here are a few 'maybes'?....

And then we will use a couple of shots from filming the video for the rest of the pictures for the digi-pack. 

Thursday 1 December 2011

Research & planning for the Digi-pack and poster

Conventionally, the CD cover and promo poster are usually the same image, one being cropped and the other showing the other picture. However, we decided to challenge this and used a different image but instead having a theme of sepia, black, white and pink running throughout. 
We have been particularly inspired by these two Album covers and posters:



Combined with our video, Beyonce has been our inspiration also with the music video too, and this Album cover and Poster, along with the Eminem one is similar to the what we want to do, with there being a main picture with writing around it.