Monday 26 September 2011

Pitch 1

Genre/ track:   
Jessie J - Mama knows best (pop & jazz influences)

Band name:     
The name for our new music artist is 'Rosanna Love'. The typical image for this artist would be a Jazz style, retro look. In the music video she would be wearing for example; rollers in her hair, high waist hot pants, big hair, glitzy dresses and floral prints.

In a 50's style house, and also a retro cafe. We are going to use 'green screen' for the solo performance parts, maybe using a retro style background.

We are going to use variation of camera shots, most being mid-shots to show both the background and her facial expressions. The solo performance where we are going to use 'green screen' will particularly be in mid-shot. Other scenes which include her in her room, cleaning and in the kitchen with her parents will use long shots, mid shots and close up. We are going to ensure we keep using different shots, and use close ups to show expressions and emotions. There will be a mix of both narrative and performance elements, where we will use green screen for her performing and lip syncing, and others where she is with her parents talking to them in relation to the lyrics.

Editing style:
Some shots for instance when she is talking to her parents, will be shot in black and white. This is so the audience can tell the narrative element from the performance element. We are going to have all the video slightly distorted so that it looks old fashioned. In some scenes, we will under crank/accelerate the footage to give it a comical element also.

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