Tuesday 10 January 2012

EVALUATION #4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

To start research and planning, we used YouTube to get an idea of what sort of video we wanted to do, then once we'd chosen the theme of 50's we used Google to research styles, mise-en-scene, hair styles, make-up and so on. Google provided us with the images of Beyonce and Christina Aguilera to aspire to.

We then started to blog our research and planning using Blogspot.

When the research, planning and storyboard was complete, we started to shoot the footage using a Sony video camera. (No artificial lighting was used) We uploaded the footage onto Adobe Premier Pro where we began editing.

The ancillary texts - Digi Pack and poster were created using Adobe Photoshop. Here we learned how to use the layering technique, created the unique 'Mamma Knows Best' title using the lasso tool and change effect to sepia.We also edited the pitch of the track using Soundbooth.

Lastly, when all was completed we uploaded our ancillary texts and video to Facebook for feedback. This was useful as we could get constructive criticism on how to improve by friends who we trust!
Overall, we mainly used Blogger (on a weekly basis), Adobe Premier Pro and Adobe Photoshop to produce our video, poster and Digi Pack. YouTube and Google were only used in research and planning, and Facebook was the best social network to gain feedback.

EVALUATION #3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Unfortunately, we haven't been able to upload our video to Facebook or YouTube yet, but we have had feedback from friends as Sixth Form who said it was excellent.
We were, however, able to upload to ancillary texts to Facebook where we got some great feedback!

We received lots of positive feedback from people, and some constructive criticism too. There wasn't much that people didn't like, only a couple of comments about where the text was on the back cover and poster. We understand that people are going to have different opinions, and as expected most positive feedback was from females, which is great as they are our target audience!

Also, the people who have seen the video and given feedback have loved it. Although there was some criticism about the lighting and variation of shots. We knew when we began editing the footage we should have got more shots such as close ups during the performance shots. The lighting was difficult as the shop we shot the footage in was small and the natural lighting wasn't great as we shot it in the evening. All in all, the feedback was good and we will take on board the criticism.

EVALUATION #2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Both out music video and ancillary texts (Digi Pack and poster) all have a continuing theme - the 50's style and all link in some way. The Digi Pack and poster were produced and edited using Photoshop, we used the effect tool to give them a sepia effect. The ragged 'Mamma Knows Best' crumpled newspaper writing was created with the lasso tool and is on both the front cover of the Digi Pack and Poster. The back of the album cover links with the music video also as Rosanna  Love is wearing the same outfit in both, and the photo from the poster is also on the Digi Pack.

Both the video and ancillary texts have a theme in the style of a 50's house wife and so will appeal to women. The poster was designed to attract women with the pink text and nice hair and make-up, although we thought it was important to keep it slightly 'sassy' too as this was a major thing in the 50's. 

By using the sepia effect throughout the video and ancillary texts we have kept continuity throughout. The video was edited using the  'Old video footage' effect on Adobe Premier Pro, and the poster using the 'sepia' effect on Photoshop. We also used a couple of screen shots from the video on our Digi Pack in order to keep the theme going across our work. 

Although there are obvious comparisons with the video and ancillary texts such as locations and outfits etc, we have kept a quirky 50's style throughout and all joins together as a great package promoting an album and a music video in the real world. 

Her we can see how the theme continues throughout:

EVALUATION #1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

After researching into pop music and unique videos that don't fit into the stereotypical post-modern ones of today, we decided on doing a retro 50's style video. We were mainly influenced by artists such as Beyonce and Christina Aguilera. Both of these artists are role models to young girls and have had a high impact with their music and music videos. Beyonce, although does stick with the post-modern era sometimes had released a song called 'Why don't you love me?' in 2010, however the music video was a 50's old fashioned style. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8x7Ta89QLo4). Christina Aguilera released 'Ain't no other man' in 2006, and the video also kept with a 50's style and attracted many young, and old fans. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QczgvUDskk0&ob=av2e). By keeping the the new jazzy up-beat style of songs and old fashioned 50's style videos, it helps to attract a wide audience, the main target audience being teenage girls and young women.

In both these videos the main focus is on the singer. We decided to sway more towards the idea of Beyonce's, because in Christina's she has lots of dancers and actors, but with such a short space of time to prepare and film, we found it difficult to get together some professional dancers and actors. So, we decided to go with the one main focus of our artist 'Rosanna Love'.

In order to get the video to have the full 50's look and style, we found a vintage/retro cafe and boutique where we were able to shoot our footage. It was also extremely important to choose correct outfits to go with the theme and so we chose out a few different ones, did my hair big like the 50's style and wore 50's style make-up. These were all carefully thought out and rehearsed in order to stick to the convention.

When editing, we used the 'Old Media Footage' effect on Adobe Premier Pro to make the video look old fashioned and 50's. The video has a rounded frame (like a 50's T.V), scratching, fading and a sepia effect, without this it wouldn't have the same visual effect on the audience.

Here are a couple of screen shots from out music video and the 'Why don't you love me?' and 'Ain't no other man' to show the similarities:

Monday 2 January 2012

Finishing the music video

Today we FINALLY finished editing the music video. It's looking very... 50's! Here are a few still shots from the video..

 performance shot

 close up, zooming in

 close up

 mid shot

 long shot

 long shot

 mirror shot

 long shot 

 long shot

 mid shot

 close up

close up