Tuesday 10 January 2012

EVALUATION #4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

To start research and planning, we used YouTube to get an idea of what sort of video we wanted to do, then once we'd chosen the theme of 50's we used Google to research styles, mise-en-scene, hair styles, make-up and so on. Google provided us with the images of Beyonce and Christina Aguilera to aspire to.

We then started to blog our research and planning using Blogspot.

When the research, planning and storyboard was complete, we started to shoot the footage using a Sony video camera. (No artificial lighting was used) We uploaded the footage onto Adobe Premier Pro where we began editing.

The ancillary texts - Digi Pack and poster were created using Adobe Photoshop. Here we learned how to use the layering technique, created the unique 'Mamma Knows Best' title using the lasso tool and change effect to sepia.We also edited the pitch of the track using Soundbooth.

Lastly, when all was completed we uploaded our ancillary texts and video to Facebook for feedback. This was useful as we could get constructive criticism on how to improve by friends who we trust!
Overall, we mainly used Blogger (on a weekly basis), Adobe Premier Pro and Adobe Photoshop to produce our video, poster and Digi Pack. YouTube and Google were only used in research and planning, and Facebook was the best social network to gain feedback.


  1. Right, almost done.
    You obviously need to upload your video with some online feedback.
    Eval Qu4 needs to have screengrabs of the editing process of video and DTP, not just logos, that's shoddy!
    The video and DTP are top level 3.
    The evaluation lacks the depth of other material.
    The research and planning looks patchy - shooting schedule etc? Spellchecking?

  2. What has happened to your storyboard posts from Decemeber!?!?
